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Aurora CDS network collaboration VU-SWU mini-grant project: Design and implementation of a training course on Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (SEE)

South-West University “Neofit Rislki”, in its capacity as an associate partner to the AURORA Alliance, applies with a project proposal for the implementation of a Mini Grant project to the Vrie University Amsterdam within the framework of the AURORA program. The same was approved in March 2023.

Applicants: South-West University “Neofit Rilski” (SWUNR), Bulgaria and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) 

Project title: Design and implementation of a training course on Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (SEE)

Project Duration: 9 months (March  2023 – December 2023; dissemination event: beginning of December 2023)

Grant amount: EUR 10.000

Project brief description: Knowledge and expertise in Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (SEE) is vital for the sustainable development of modern society particularly young undergraduates who represent the future work force as well as entrepreneurs from various business fields. Gaining knowledge on SEE would enable them to integrate sustainability in their (prospective) business activities and decision making. A training course in SEE targeted to university students and local entrepreneurs would not only improve the quality and context suitability of management decisions but also minimize any potential negative effect and prevent risks for the local environment.

Project objectives: The primary goal is to integrate an elective training course in Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in the curricula of SWUNR Faculty of Economics. Students are expected to gain knowledge and develop sustainable entrepreneurial competences and decision-making skills which are deemed useful in a constantly and rapidly evolving context punctuated by high instability. Students will also gain awareness of how to use effectively these competences and skills to maintain an effective sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem within their local environment. Furthermore, the course is going to raise their awareness of economic, social and environmental challenges and possible solutions. The secondary objective is to attract local entrepreneurs who will be trained to achieve stable growth with optimal use of resources and social justice with the requirement to preserve and improve environmental quality. This SEE course will be designed with the support and guidance of VU experts in Business and Innovation in the framework of the Aurora project collaborations with CDS associate partners.

  • Presentations
  • Strategic alliances and networking in higher education
  • Community Service-Learning